The 7 Day Juice Plan

A whole week of nutrient indulgence to look forward to...your body really will thank you.  7 days of juicing prepares you towards your journey of being a healthier version of you and bringing that spring back into your step!  No salt, no refined sugar, no additives, no preservatives, no MSG for a whole week!  Bliss!

As before, take the juices at regular intervals to keep sugar levels steady throughout the day, to maintain energy levels and ward off any unnecessary feelings of hunger.

**It is important to stay hydrated for the duration of this cleanse, and fluids should preferably be in the form of herbal teas, still / sparkling water**

**Juices are prepared in an environment where nuts are present**

Days 1,2,3&4

On rising    1 x 60ml shot 
       [Ginger Bomb / Lemon Blast]

8am     1 x 500ml Pineapple Glory
11am   1 x 500ml Red Velvet
2pm     1 x 500ml The Green Dream
5pm     1 x 500ml Simply Carrot
7pm     1 x 500ml Beetroot Bounty


Days 5,6&7

On rising    1 x 60ml shot
       [Ginger Bomb / Lemon Blast]

8am     1 x 500ml Radiant Red
11am   1 x 500ml Apple Blast
2 pm     1 x 500ml Ray of Sunshine
5pm      1 x 500ml Green-tastic
7pm      1 x 500ml Posh Parsnip

Price - £300
Visit 'Store' to place an order...